
Transfer Triumph is a program created to help improve the academic success of first year transfer specifically through winter and spring quarter!


- Academic Calendar
- Academic Counseling Offices
- Change of Major Criteria
- Counseling Center
- Campus Map
- Disability Services Center
- Electronic Educational Environment (EEE)
- Financial Aid Office
- Financial Aid Basics (PDF)
- 网际直通车
- Health Education Center
- New Student Handbook
- Transportation and Distribution Services
- Registrar Office
- Schedule of Classes
- Student Health Center
- Student Life & Leadership
- Student Support Services
- 网际直通车
- Veteran Services
- Admissions
- 网际直通车
- Majors and Minors at UCI
- Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
- Veteran Services
- 网际直通车
- UCI Virtual Tour